Science life. Proceedings of LAS. Section A. Vol. 73 (1), 2019

Report and conclusion of the expert council “Value and price of civic resposibility”

Raita Karnīte

Expert’s meeting organised by the Department of the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Latvian Academy of Sciences seeks answers to three questions:

1) What is civil responsibility, how it expresses itself (personal responsibility about his or her behaviour: day-to-day, at work, in special cases – elections, crisis)? Methods and mechanisms of civil responsibility (public voting, media, protest actions).

2) The value of the civil responsibility (impact of low civil responsibility on the development of the state and society (poor state governance, incapacity to formulate and to protect vital interests of the state, incapacity to fight corruption and similar)).

3) The price of the civil responsibility (nothing appears from nothing, cultivation of the civil responsibility costs).

Towards a research-based action policy

Aleksandrs Blūms, Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas Augstākās izglītības, zinātnes un inovāciju departamenta nozares eksperts
Following the goal – to develop evidence based decision making culture in Latvia, the Ministry of Education and Science in cooperation with Latvian Saeima organised a conference „Demographic challenges: from knowledge to action”.  Among participants of the conference there were deputies of Latvian Saeima, researchers from the fields such as demography and ageing, representatives of state institutions, journalists and other.