Studies and policy of creative industry in Latvia

Keywords: creative industry, studies of creative industry, policy of creative industry, creative towns
Language: In Latvian

Evaluation of creative industry studies and policy in Latvia is a part of a more extensive research on social economic influence of art and culture, which is being implemented at the Art Academy of Latvia. The notion of creative industry in Latvia has been mentioned intensively for already more than twelve years. Researchers have addressed this theme within the framework of fundamental and applied studies. During this period, a considerable amount of publications, studies and policy documents have been accumulated. However, there is still a lack of a summarising overview of research that would allow making conclusions about what approaches dominate in creative industry studies carried out in Latvia and how the choice of approaches has affected the policy of Latvian creative industry. Within the aspect of research approaches, investigation of the history of creative industry has been touched only partly, merely highlighting the research methodology and the applied instruments of analysis in the present studies. In the studies of creative industry usually research methods are applied that are taken over from economics or other branches, but still it is required that they are adjusted exactly to the peculiar characteristics of the branch. It is necessary to make a critical evaluation whether the research approaches having been used until now reflect to full extent the situation in creative industry and can serve as a basis for further guidance of the policy of creative industry and improvement of future processes.