Key to Latvia’s flourishment

Keywords: Key to Latvia’s flourishment, democracy, development problems (challenges), unwordly assistance
Language: In Latvian

Address at the ecumenical service at St. James Cathedral on 4 May 2019

In his address the Roman Catholic metropolitan archbishop of Riga Zbigniew Stankiewicz acknowledges that the restoration of independence in the late 1990s, which resulted in freedom from outer repressions, gave hope to people that rapid development of Latvia was about to start. However, it turned out that outer freedom was not enough. During the 29 years, new political forces acquired power and strived to steer Latvia into the waters of rapid development, but it turned out that it was not so simple. Therefore, the previous enthusiasm in society was suppressed by routine daily concerns and frustration. Archbishop’s answers to the questions — what is needed so that the longing in people’s hearts for full-fledged life could be implemented and where could the key to Latvia’s long-term development be found — include two aspects. First, efforts to cleanse individual and social life from rubbish, and second, the entrance of some unworldly assistance, a force, into these efforts, which would make them fruitful and light people’s hearts with enthusiasm, and grant them force, fervour and endurance.