The procedure of the submission of articles
The procedure of the submission of articles is prescribed in general lines in the „Statutes of the scientific journal of the Latvian Academy of Sciences “Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences” , Section 8. In order to be accepted for publication in the Section A of Proceedings of LAS an article should correspond to requirements approved by the Editorial Council of Proceedings of LAS (formulated in Chapter 4 of the Editorial policy and also in the Letter of Recommendation (template available for download here) .
1) the topic of the article and its content corresponds to the profile of the journal “Proceedings of LAS”, Section A;
2) the title of the article reflects the content of the article clearly and unmistakably;
3) the abstract and key words duly reflect the essence of the article;
4) the article corresponds to the proposed section: original academic article, discussion paper, review, other;
5) the article meets requirements of the sufficient scientific level;
6) included data sufficiently substantiate explanations and conclusions of the author(s);
7) the article is written in a sufficient English (if an article is submitted in English).
An author sends electronically a manuscript of a scientific article that is prepared in compliance with the approved requirements to Editor-in-Chief of the Section A of Proceedings of LAS. If none of authors is member of LAS or he/she does not have a science doctor’s degree, recommendation from the member of LAS or a person with science doctor’s degree should be added (template of the letter of Recommendation is available electronically here).
Guidelines of the content of a manuscript, its structure and design, including regarding references, are determined in the the „Regulations for submission of manuscripts and instruction to authors of “Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences”, Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences”. The latest version of these regulations is published in the homepage and not less than once per year also in issues of “Proceedings of LAS”.
When submitting a Manuscript for publication an author should certify that it is an original work and
- it is written by author(s) indicated in the Manuscript;
- the Manuscript was not published in any other publication;
- the Manuscript is not and will not be submitted for publication to any other publication;
- the Manuscript does not contain statements, which do not correspond to reality, or material which may infringe upon the intellectual property rights of another person or legal entity;
- the Manuscript does not contain facts and conclusions that are used or made upon the conditions and requirements of sponsors or providers of financial support;
- all necessary references used in the Manuscript are indicated, including those regarding illustrations and appendixes;
- author(s) has(have) obtained any necessary permissions regarding text passages, figures, data or other material from the works of others in the event that such elements are incorporated in the Manuscript;
- author(s) has(have) obtained written informed consent for publication from people who might recognise themselves or be identified by others (e.g. from case reports or photographs);
- all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication;
- the Manuscript completely meets the Copyright terms that are prescribed in the Republic of Latvia “Copyright Law” (adopted on 06.04.2000, valid from 11.05.2000, see in (in Latvian), (in English, *.pdf).
The template of the certificate is available electronically here.
All articles published in the journal are copyrighted by the „Proceedings of Latvian Academy of Sciences” and author(s) of the article.
By agreement with the journal’s editorial, authors may have right to self-archive their articles, published originally in the journal “Proceedings of LAS”, Section A in repositories of third parties.
Fees or charges for manuscripts processing an publishing materials in the journal are not charged.
The Editors’ policy of the Journal “Proceedings of LAS”, Section A sets forth that the authors are responsible for the accuracy of the facts and bibliographic data in their articles. In cases of allegated or proven scientific misconduct, fraudulent publicaton or plagiarism the editorial of the journal “Proceedings of LAS”, Section A, in close cooperation with the editors, take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation and to amend the article in question. This includes a promt publication of an erratum or, in the most severe cases, complete retraction of the affected article.
Research misconducts are revealed or allegated jointly by editors by using available electronic plagiarism checkers, and by reviewers based on their experience in the subject matter of the manuscript to be evaluated and knowledge of the sources used. Unintentional errors or differences of opinion are not considered research misconducts.
Download “Regulations for submission of manuscripts and instructions to authors”
Forms and blanks for download
Instructions for reviewers *.docx
Instructions to authors for Section B: Natural, exact and applied sciences