Raita Karnīte Impact of Covid-19 pandemic on Latvia’s economy Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, economic impact, crisis, growth of Latvia’s economy Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 1 2021, Scientific articles
Gunther Neumann On the phenomenon of time and temporality in Edmund Husserl’s and Martin Heidegger’s thought addressing the problem of death Keywords: Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, the Time, the Death, the Being Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2020, Scientific articles
Kitija Mirončuka Violence as responsibility: neglecting structural violence Keywords: violence, responsibility, structural violence, nonviolent, violent Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2020, Scientific articles
Reinis Vilciņš Scientism: use of the concept and its transformations Keywords: scientism, science, philosophy Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2020, Scientific articles
Gita Leitlande A soldier and philosophy Keywords: soldier’s values, military ethics, stoicism Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2020, Scientific articles
Toms Stepiņš Challenge of experimental philosophy and methodology of thought experiments Keywords: experimental philosophy, thought experiments, intuition, intuitional stability, stability of thought experiment Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2020, Scientific articles
Marta Valdmane Parrhesia in the works of Michel Foucault Keywords: parrhesia, truth, subject, power, Michel Foucault Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2020, Scientific articles
Jānis Zilgalvis The Lutheran church of Linde–Birzgale: investigation of cultural historical value, destroyed in soviet period Keywords: history of Latvian architecture and art, cultural heritage, investigation of rural culture historical environment Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 3 2020, Scientific articles
Rasa MiežienėBoguslavas Gruževskis Migration and labour market integration of third-country nationals: The case of Lithuania Keywords: immigration, third-country nationals, migration policy, labour market, Lithuania Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 3 2020, Scientific articles
Andris Kairišs Factors of protection and socio-economic development of Latvia’s archaeological heritage Keywords: cultural heritage, protection of archaeological heritage, socio-economic factors, illegal excavations, damage to cultural objects, antiquities Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 3 2020, Scientific articles
Igors Trofimovs Characteristics of crime against religious items Keywords: culture objects, culture items, religious items, spiritual values, crime, proportional punishment Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 3 2020, Scientific articles
Linda Teikmane Studies and policy of creative industry in Latvia Keywords: creative industry, studies of creative industry, policy of creative industry, creative towns Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 3 2020, Scientific articles
Heikki HankaHelena Lonkila The negotiated cultural environment Keywords: cultural environment, sustainable development Scientific articles, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 2 2020
Juhan Maiste Park in the literary and artistic memory field. Tracing the aesthetic heritage of count Alexander von Keyserling Keywords: Umwelt, rhetoric of space, manor pantheon, memory landscapes, Keyserlings Scientific articles, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 2 2020
Agnese Bergholde-Wolf Georg Kuphaldt – director of Riga City parks and director of tzars’ parks Keywords: Kuphaldt, Baltic provinces, Russia, city gardener, landscape and garden art Scientific articles, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 2 2020