Arno Jundze Radzobe. Čaks. Time Keywords: Silvija Radzobe, Aleksandrs Čaks, Latvian Social Democratic Party, Latvian riflemen, poetry, poems Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 1 2022
Andra Kalnača Baltic languages in time and space Keywords: congress, Baltic languages, Baltics, linguistic industries Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 1 2022
Sarma Kļaviņa UNESCO celebrates the 150th anniversary of Jānis Endzelīns Keywords: linguistics. Jānis Endzelīns, UNESCO 2023 calendar of commemorations and anniversaries Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 1 2022
Ingrīda Zemzare Mārtiņš Brauns and our Daugava Keywords: Mārtiņš Brauns, Rainis, poem “Daugava”, song “Sun, Thunder, Daugava” Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 1 2022
Ojārs Spārītis Observations in the 10th Selonian congress at Viesīte, 11 September 2021 Keywords: Selonia, congress, Latvian historical lands, regional development Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2021
Anita Čerpinska Series of publications “Sources of History” Keywords: publications of archival documents, archaeography Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2021
Ieva Pīgozne Recommendations for assembling folk costumes by Aija Jansone. Thinking about the book and its context Keywords: folk costume, clothing history, Latvia, Song and Dance Festival Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2021
Chronicle of science life. Section A. Vol. 75 (4), 2021 Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2021
Raivis Bičevskis Memory and language: Ludwig Klages in the mirror of his reflection Keywords: Ludwig Klages, biocentrism, 20th century philosophy, the world itself Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 3 2021
Raivis Bičevskis The relevance of the ontology of language Keywords: Charles Taylor, philosophy of language, ontology of language, reality Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 3 2021
Voldemārs Lauciņš History of evangelical Lutheran theology in interwar Latvia: a view from Finland Keywords: Jouko Talonen, history of evangelical Lutheran theology Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 3 2021
Chronicle of science life. Section A. Vol. 75 (3), 2021 Science life, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 3 2021