Katrien Maes What are universities for? Is it time for a new deal? Keywords: universities, excellence, meritocracy, competition, EU, Europe, higher education policy, research, societal challenges Correspondence, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2018
Anne Sauka New object of pedagogy studies Keywords: object of pedagogy studies, objective of upbringing/education, upbringing/ self-education, self-experience, cooperation/collaboration Scientific articles, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2018
Dainius GenysRičardas KrikštolaitisVylius Leonavičius Public attitude to energy security in Lithuania Keywords: energy security, public perception, price, reliability of supply Scientific articles, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2018
Juris Prikulis Paradoxical differences during the first post-war years from the aspect of the performed capital investments and migration in Latvian and Lithuanian industry Keywords: differences, capital investments, pre-Soviet time investment mobilisation, migration, demographic situation Scientific articles, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2018
Daina ŠķiltereSvetlana Jesiļevska Innovation in Latvia. Realities and Challenges Keywords: innovations, statistics, national innovation system Scientific articles, Proceedings of LAS, Section A, 4 2018