Nadežda Pazuhina, Dr. art., leading researcher at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, the University of Latvia, assistant professor at the Baltic International Academy. Doctor of Arts degree achieved at the Latvian Academy of Culture (2008). Research fields: history and culture of the Orthodox Old Believers, history of Russian minority in Latvia, theoretical approaches to the study of religion and culture. In 2011–2018 engaged as researcher in several research projects of the Latvian Council of Science, Latvian coordinator of the Latvian — Czech bilateral mobility project “National minorities and ethnic groups: past and present experience in Czech Republic and Latvia” (2016–2018). Author of monograph Kulturpraktiken der russisch-orthodoxen Altgläubigen Lettlands. Erfahrungen von Stabilität und Wandel in priesterlosen Gemeinschaften (1920–1939 und 1991–2006) (2009).