PhD Bruno Eduards Deksnis was born in 1947 (in Germany); lived for extended periods in Canada, the USA, Great Britain, Germany, and Belgium. Retired in 2009 to live permanently in Riga. Education: B. Eng (McGill), MSc (Princeton), PhD (Essex, applied mathematics). Work and interests: 1975–1979, architect engineering nuclear power plants; 1980–1999, research in the field of controlled nuclear fusion, speciality high performance materials at the Joint European Torus project (UK); 1999–2009 (retirement), official at the European Commission (Brussels), various aspects of foreign relations including EU enlargement; post 2009, research interest in the history of the Latvian exile communities. Part-time lecturing on EU law at the College of Law (Riga) are the basis for publications in compendiums of articles by staff and students at the College of Law. Currently, B. E. Deksnis is a leading researcher in the European Policy Research Institute of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Dr. hon. causa of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.